FAQs - Personalized Plate Questions
I already have a personalized plate. Can I convert my personalized plate
Yes. If you already have a personalized plate with 6 characters or less, you can convert your plate onto the new pet lovers license plate. Please check the box on the order form labeled Conversion of Existing Personalized Plates and provide your current personalized plate information.
What if my personalized plate contains special symbols (heart, star, etc) Or what if I would like to include a heart or other symbol on my new plate
Unfortunately, hearts and other symbols are NOT available for the pet lovers license plate. If you already have a personalized plate containing these symbols, you will not be able to transfer it to the pet lovers license plate. We encourage you to select a new personalized plate, using up to 6 alphanumeric characters.
What happens if my choices for a new personalized plate are not available When will I know if my choices for personalized plate are available
New selections for personalized plates cannot be guaranteed until we receive 7,500 pre-orders. At this time, personalized selections will be processed first come, first serve by the DMV. If none of the options you selected for a personalized plate are available, the DMV will contact you to discuss other alternatives.
FAQs - Credit Card Questions
Why is a temporary authorization charge showing up on my account
At the time you place your order, you will be charged the full amount for the plate.
However, sometimes during processing, a credit or debit card order will show additional temporary authorization charges prior to final submittal of the order. Any of the temporary authorization charges that are not the actual charge for the plate will be dropped from your statement once the actual order is processed. Please check your account a few days after you submit your order to confirm that any additional temporary authorization charges have been dropped.
If any charges in addition to the actual cost of the plate are still present after a few days, please send us an email at:

and we will help you.
What do I do if I was charged more than once
If your card was charged more than once, please wait 48 hours to make sure the additional charge was not an authorization charge temporarily added by your credit card provider. If the additional charge still appears after 48 hours, send an email to

with your order information.
FAQs - Questions relating to vehicle type
I have a leased vehicle. Can I get the plate
Of course! You may apply for the pet lovers plate just as you would for an owned vehicle. Once your lease is up, you will be able to transfer your plate to your next vehicle.
I have a handicap plate. Can I get the plate
Unfortunately, handicap plates are not compatible with the pet lovers license plate.
I have a commercial vehicle. Can I get the plate
Yes. Please order the plate as usual, and be sure to check Yes when asked if your vehicle is a commercial vehicle.
I may be buying a new car prior to the plates being produced. What do I do
Order the plate as usual. If you purchase or lease a new car prior to the issuance of the plates, you will just need to take the paperwork for the new car to the DMV when you pick up your plates.
FAQs - Fee Questions
What are the fees for each plate
A regular, sequential plate costs $50 initially and has a $40 annual renewal fee. To transfer your personalized plates or to order new personalized plates, the fee is $98 and the annual renewal fee is $78. These costs are in addition to any standard DMV fees.
What portion of those fees goes to spay & neuter
Please note: Breakdown of fees is approximate until plates are produced.
Of the $50 paid per sequential plate order, approximately $17.32 goes to the DMV for processing and $32.68 goes into the spay/neuter fund. Of the $98 paid per personalized plate order, approximately $26.22 goes to the DMV, $48 goes to the Environmental License Plate Fund and $23.68 goes into the spay/neuter fund. Approximately 100% of the renewal fees for sequential plates will go to the spay/neuter fund, and approximately $40 from each personalized plate renewal will go to the spay/neuter fund.
How will the funds be distributed
The California Pet Lovers License Plate is sponsored by the California Veterinary Medical Board and administered by the California Spay & Neuter License Plate Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Proceeds are distributed to cities and counties for free and low cost spay and neuter programs through clinics, shelters and vouchers redeemable at local veterinarians.
FAQs - Additional Commonly Asked Questions
When will I receive my plate
After 7,500 pre-orders are received, the DMV will begin the official program, and will start issuing actual plates after the implementation process is complete. The entire process may take 12 months or more based on the rate that pre-orders are received, and the speed at which the DMV implements the program. People who pre-order are guaranteed to receive their plates prior to the general public, and by pre-ordering you lock-in your position as one of the first Californians to display your love of animals and your support for reducing pet overpopulation!
During the sign up process, you will be asked for the DMV office where your present plates and registration card will be exchanged for your new plates. The DMV will contact you when your new plates are ready.
I made a mistake on my app. What do I do
Please call , press 0, and leave a message specifying the mistake, or email us at

with the information and we will correct the mistake for you.
I would like to order the plate for multiple orders. What do I do
Please fill out a new application for each vehicle.
What happens if there arent 7,500 pre-orders
In the unlikely case that we do not reach 7,500 pre-orders, full refunds will be issued.
How can I help get the word out
1. Tell your friends!
2. Place a web banner advertising the California Pet Lovers License Plate on YOUR website! Click here for banners.
3. Send an email to all of your pet-loving contacts!
4. Email us at

if you would like us to send you some brochures. Post them at your local car wash, hair salon, or dry cleaners and help spread the word!
I have a question that was not addressed here. How can I find the answer
Please call and press 0, or send us an email at

About us / Customer service
If you have questions or need assistance in filling out your pre-order application, please call our customer service department at , or email us at:

The California Pet Lover's License Plate is sponsored by the California Veterinary Medical Board, an agency within the California Department of Consumer Affairs. Applications are gathered and processed by the California Spay and Neuter License Plate Fund, Inc, EIN: 27-2591064, Post Office Box 1125, Laguna Beach, CA 92652-1125.
Click here to visit the California Veterinary Medical Board area on the State of California website.
Comments / Survey
To provide general comments or suggestions please use our comments form.
Web Banners and Facebook
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As specified in existing California vehicle code law, the California Spay and Neuter License Plate Fund will begin receiving proceeds from each license plate after the program is implemented, as follows: standard plate renewal ($40 cost) results in $40 to fund; personalized plate renewal ($78 cost) results in $40 to fund; new standard plate ($50 cost) results in $40 to fund; new personalized plate ($98 cost) results in $25 to fund. The portion of the cost not received by the fund is directed to DMV administrative fees and the California ELP fund, as required under current law. Numbers are approximate.
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